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Who we are
Taking The Next Step
growth track
Transformation Church’s Outreach Ministry actively seeks to be the hands, feet, eyes, mouth, and ears outside the four walls of their weekly services…
As Former President of the Board of Directors for the Lehigh County Conference of Churches, Pastor Charles Olmeda has heard and seen first-hand the needs that affect our city on a daily basis. “The church – the body of Christ – must understand that the only way to truly demonstrate the love, passion, and forgiveness of Jesus Christ to a hurting world is to actively go beyond the four walls of Sunday worship and proactively serve as a conduit of hope,” says Pastor Charles. “Sunday worship and weekly activities are wonderful and certainly essential to the vitality of the ‘body,’ but we can’t always wait for them to come to us, we have to go to them.”
We Offer The A.M.E.N. Program

The Youth House

Vision and Goals
Our Ministry will provide an environment that guides kids to lasting relationship with God.
We seek to minister to the whole child. Each child needs to be feed physically, mentally, socially, emotionally and spiritually, knowing that each child is unique and that God has gifted them in different ways. We will provide age appropriate bible studies and activities for the kids at their biblical learning level.
Our goal is to create an environment in which children are encouraged to pursue a friendship with God. Understanding their God-given gifts and begin to us them so may go out with power and authority of Jesus and show the light to others.
Understanding the parents have their responsibility to teach their children God’s word we seek to partner with parents on this journey. We want kids living scriptures not just learning. In James 1:22 the bible says “Be doers of the word not hearer only, deceiving yourselves.”
growth track
Transformation Church’s Outreach Ministry actively seeks to be the hands, feet, eyes, mouth, and ears outside the four walls of their weekly services…
As Former President of the Board of Directors for the Lehigh County Conference of Churches, Pastor Charles Olmeda has heard and seen first-hand the needs that affect our city on a daily basis. “The church – the body of Christ – must understand that the only way to truly demonstrate the love, passion, and forgiveness of Jesus Christ to a hurting world is to actively go beyond the four walls of Sunday worship and proactively serve as a conduit of hope,” says Pastor Charles. “Sunday worship and weekly activities are wonderful and certainly essential to the vitality of the ‘body,’ but we can’t always wait for them to come to us, we have to go to them.”
We Offer The A.M.E.N. Program
Men's Ministry
The men of Transformation Church will consistently honor the Lord Jesus Christ in all areas of their lives. We exist to develop Biblically-grounded men of faith who:
- Lead their families in worship
- Explore the Word of God in study
- Reach out to men in the community with the Gospel
- Help hold other men accountable to God’s standards
Women's Ministry
Transformation Church’s Women’s Ministry is a Christ Centered “Real” Relationships Ministry that serves to encourage, empower, inspire and challenge Women of all generations and walks of life. We exist to encourage one another in our relationships, spiritual journey and personal growth. Our goal is to provide a safe place where women will feel accepted, loved, and equipped as we pursue a passionate and growing relationship with Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. We believe that together we can accomplish more as we walk this journey together towards becoming fit and healthy in our body, mind, and soul. We have all been destined for greatest, so why not come together as friends and sisters in Christ. Together, we can accomplish more!
Dance Ministry
Ruach Elohim (Breath of God), the Transformation Church’s dance ministry is to praise and worship the Lord through the God-given gift of dance. We wish to touch the lives of people in such a way to bring about “real” change, encouragement and/or conversion in their lives. We are dedicated to worshipping the Lord through the art of dance. We seek to glorify God in all aspects of our lives and praise dancing is another way in which we desire to please God. Psalms 150:4 says, “Praise Him with the timbrel and dance…”
We seek to minister to the body of Christ; the saved and unsaved, anyone with a burden and those who are joyful and thankful! With an offering of praise; we invite the Holy Spirit to not only inhabit us but to rain over all those watching and ignite through His Holy Spirit and Power, the recognition that Christ is the answer and hope for our lives. We also desire to offer those who may or may not have dance experience; the opportunity to minister and praise God through the art of dance.
The security ministry is a group of volunteer “guardians” (1 Chronicles 9:22-23) who are designated to provide safety and security to those who worship our LORD Jesus Christ at Transformation Church; among them police officers, retired detectives, security personnel.
Ministry Goals
- To provide Safety and Security for all who worship at Transformation Church
- To provide On-call medical services and emergencies
The Safety and Security Team is made up of dedicated men and women that have a heart and passion for the safety and security of all those that visit or attend Transformation Church. We are currently looking for new members with medical experience to serve as a medical volunteer, and also, security volunteers. You do not need to have a ‘security’ or Military background to serve on the security team—training will be provided for facility safety, weather emergency reactions, fire, and security.
Our job is to have a heart for God’s eyes for video and an ear for sound.
We know that faith comes from hearing and believe that spoken word and song are two of the most important tools for a church service. It is our goal as a media team to provide clear and intelligible sound that is transparent and distraction-free to the listener. The goal of the church audio team is to provide audio that is worthy of the worship of Jesus Christ.
This goal is best accomplished by ministering to the technical, physical, and spiritual needs of those who have entrusted God’s Word to us (those ministering to the congregation) so that we can impart that message to the hearts and ears of the Body of Christ. When someone speaks, prays, or sings the Word of God, it flows through our system. Everything flows through us and flows out from us. If we’re not on top of our game for any time during that hour, it affects the entire service. We believe that the position of sound /video operator is an important mission of the church. We believe that equipping our media team with proper training, equipment and communication skills we can achieve our mission.
We believe that the position of the sound and video operator is an important mission of the church. We will revere the mission by giving the position respect, priority and our personal best, be on time, interact with people, not just so that we can make them sound good and look good, but so that people can worship God and stay attentive and focused on the activities of the service.
Media Ministry Services
- Audio Recording
- Audio Audio Sound
- Photography
- Audio-Video Duplication
- Video Recording
Prison Ministry
The purpose of the Prison Ministry of at Transformation Church is to focus on the incarcerated individual, their families, victims and their communities as it relates to ministering to them while incarcerated, providing for a smooth transition back into society after incarceration and reducing the return rate to the incarcerated state (recidivism).
We endeavor to share hope, peace and God’s promises to men and women who are incarcerated. We do this through our weekly visits and on-site Bible classes as we encourage all to reach their full potential in Christ.
We believe in a community where the life of every inmate is impacted by the Word of God and the value of each inmate is restored to purpose and destiny God’s has intended.
If interested in joining our prison ministry, please call our office or visit our Next Steps Desk.
“…I was in prison, and you visited me.” (Matthew 25:36)